Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Explanation

Greetings and Salutations,

I'm L.J. Duett, the owner of this newly created blog, Perfect Duett. I'm a full time workaholic who also happens to be a fangirl, ubber geek, awkward, wanna be writer all rolled into one.

 This blog was created to help me keep my feet on the ground but my head in the clouds as I venture into the realm of becoming an 'Author'. As of now, I'm simply a wanna-be-writer but I'm getting closer each day. The purpose here is to share what inspires me, what frustrates me, and what motivates me on this journey to becoming an author. If I make a few friends along the way, then that's even better.

Things to expect within the posts of this blog: Book Reviews, Books Gushings, Must See Movies, Music Inspiration, Story Ideas, Progress Reports, and scenes from my WIP. Of course, I will throw in a few random posts here and there for the fun of it too. In the meantime, if any ones has any questions, suggestions, are just wants to say hey...well my virtual door is always welcome by commenting below or via email at

- L.J out.