As you all know, I've been slowly working towards indie publishing. I have a few works in progress but my current pet is The Alpha's Daughter. I'll be frank, I'm way behind schedule on this one. I was shooting for June-July but didn't quite make it. Now, I'm so close to having my 1st book, yes, my first book, published. Needless to say, I'm so super excited. And I wanted to share that excitement with my first book's cover. Soooooo, here it is. Hope you all like it!
Perfect Duett
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Sunday, August 2, 2015
I am still kicking, writing, breathing....
Just a quick post to let you all know that I have not fallen off the face of the earth. I am still alive! Still kicking, writing, breathing. I have a good reason for being MIA, I promise.
My uncle, who I grew up with, was diagnosed with brain cancer these past few months and was put on hospice. Last week, we laid him to rest and things are just now getting back to normal. I have been (offline) working on my depute novel, The Alpha's Daughter. It's going through one more round of read throughs and edits and then off to publish. I will be having a cover reveal soon. I have also been reading and will have a few book reviews to share soon as well. In the meantime, just bare with me. Death is hard. Life is, in fact, harder.
My uncle, who I grew up with, was diagnosed with brain cancer these past few months and was put on hospice. Last week, we laid him to rest and things are just now getting back to normal. I have been (offline) working on my depute novel, The Alpha's Daughter. It's going through one more round of read throughs and edits and then off to publish. I will be having a cover reveal soon. I have also been reading and will have a few book reviews to share soon as well. In the meantime, just bare with me. Death is hard. Life is, in fact, harder.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Book Review: Ever After by Jude Deveraux
As always, her worlds are rich with culture, ripe with intrigue, and well developed when delivered. Many of my favorite writers tend to fall flat over time, but with Ever After, Jude Deveraux goes strong and continues to hold my interest.
I love that in her new contemporary romances, she has added the spice of paranormal and all of her previous characters continue to develop in her ongoing series. I also give props to her for making their lives ''real'. Real convicts, dramas, reactions. Her characters are never pop up characters, but fully developed individuals with issues, drives, wants. Reading Ever After, shows just how much. Five Stars for this newest book.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Motivation or lack thereof
Motivation can be an amazing thing. It gets you pumped, it gets you ready, it gets you willing. If not given proper fuel to burn, it also leaves you hanging. These last few weeks my motivational fires have burnt out, leaving me a charred shell of unwillingness to work for three weeks. Why? I don't quite know. Maybe I have too many irons in my pot of goals, or maybe I'm just lazy and don't follow through. I have been going through a lot this year and I am in charge of a business that makes me want to pull my hair out, but I don't feel like I have the right to use any of those for excuses. What I secretly think the culprit is, when it comes to my writing, is fear. Fear that I'm not a good enough writer, fear that there are too many steps to take to the end, fear that my stories are cliche, fear that they are boring. Lately, when working on my WIP's, I either come down with headaches from second guessing myself or become super duper sleepy (from boredom?). So I took a two week break. I'm not the type to force something until it breaks and yes, perhaps my fear controls and sucked the life from my motivation. This week though, I'm back on it's willing, ready, and pumped horse. This week, I'm back in the saddle and ready to do some real editing work so I can at least try to get my work out by the end of the month (if I'm lucky). Motivation comes and goes, this I understand and accept. It's up to me to keep it burning.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Book Review: Cat's Lair by Christine Feehan
Cat Benoit has finally escaped the past—and the man who was the source of her nightmares. She’s off the grid, underground but watchful, and creating a new life for herself in Texas, far from the torrid dangers of her native New Orleans. She’s safe. He’ll never find her this time. Cat has to believe that. It’s the only thing keeping her sane.
Yet she can’t escape the attention of Ridley Cromer, the instructor at the martial arts dojo where Cat takes lessons. She arouses the animal in Ridley—and something feral comes to life when their body heat rises. Cat is in no position to let her guard down with anyone, especially someone who could be endangered by her past. But Ridley has secrets of his own—secrets only Cat would understand. If she dares to trust him.
Yet she can’t escape the attention of Ridley Cromer, the instructor at the martial arts dojo where Cat takes lessons. She arouses the animal in Ridley—and something feral comes to life when their body heat rises. Cat is in no position to let her guard down with anyone, especially someone who could be endangered by her past. But Ridley has secrets of his own—secrets only Cat would understand. If she dares to trust him.
Review Score: Three Stars out of Five
To give you a better idea of my score. Let me lists the good verses the bad.
The Good, Reason 1: Feehan can right a wonderful he-man wants woman story. I will confess I'm a HUGE lover of a dominating man. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. (Up to a point of course) Feehan has a glimmer of that ability in Cat's Lair with her characters. The male protagonist wants the female. Simple as that. Their circumstance, eh not so much.
The Bad, Reason 1: A few points in Cat's Lair, the man is too dominating. So much so, that the protagonist negates his statements with actions. He'll say one thing but do another. I had whiplash sometimes.
The Good, Reason 2: Feehan has a smooth flow with her writing. Even when the plot is lacking, her writing is done so well that a less than stellar novel is better than a large majority. She get's her emotions and actions across to the reader. It's not a forced read.
The Bad, Reason 2: As mentioned before, this novel seemed as forced and perhaps rushed. While beautifully written, it lacks a certain luster that her first books held.
The Good, Reason 3: Her Dark Carpathian/ Leopard worlds are awesome. She has a wonderful concepts with her series, taking old legends but melding them into something different and unique yet never cheesy. She pulls her settings of really well. As if they actually exist.
The Bad, Reason 3: This world seemed more focused on sex. Now, don't get me wrong. I like sex scenes..up to a point. Sometimes I find they are needless. In Cat's Lair, there was a lot of needless. Enough that I skimmed over them. Give me meat, not bones people.
Overall, this books was a decent read but only that simply because I KNOW Feehan can write better. For someone interested in the more steamy scenes, this would be a good book (Think Fifty Shades). For someone wanting more of a storyline, I would say maybe not so much.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Book Review: Chosen by K.F. Breene
It is said that when war threatens the world, one individual will be selected by prophecy to lead the Shadow Warriors out of the Land of Mist and reclaim the freedom which has been stolen.
Shanti has grown up under the constant threat of war. Since she helped her people defeat a raiding party by using a special power, she’s been a hunted woman. Carrying rare abilities and an uncanny fighting aptitude, Shanti is the only hope of salvation for her people. The problem is, she doesn’t believe in her own divinity, and when she flounders, she nearly fails in the duty hanging so heavy on her shoulders.
It seems like any other day when Sanders and his band of misfit boys find a foreign woman clinging to life in the wastelands. Oblivious to the weapon they now have in their possession, they are content to harbor the mysterious woman until she is well enough to continue her journey.
But when the war spreads its arms and lands on her borrowed doorstep, Shanti has no choice but to reveal her secrets, plunging her saviors into danger. If they band with her, they will face certain death. But to trade her to Xandre, the warlord desperate to add her to his war machine, would be to give up their entire way of life.
Shanti has grown up under the constant threat of war. Since she helped her people defeat a raiding party by using a special power, she’s been a hunted woman. Carrying rare abilities and an uncanny fighting aptitude, Shanti is the only hope of salvation for her people. The problem is, she doesn’t believe in her own divinity, and when she flounders, she nearly fails in the duty hanging so heavy on her shoulders.
It seems like any other day when Sanders and his band of misfit boys find a foreign woman clinging to life in the wastelands. Oblivious to the weapon they now have in their possession, they are content to harbor the mysterious woman until she is well enough to continue her journey.
But when the war spreads its arms and lands on her borrowed doorstep, Shanti has no choice but to reveal her secrets, plunging her saviors into danger. If they band with her, they will face certain death. But to trade her to Xandre, the warlord desperate to add her to his war machine, would be to give up their entire way of life.
Review Score: Five out of Five Stars.
Surprisingly, I only like two series from K.F. Breene and this is one of them. Her more contemporary story lines just aren't my cup of tea but boy of boy is this one. Chosen has an original storyline that flows beautifully. It's details are rich, it's word building smooth, it's characters likable and multi faceted. Breene also bring to the forefront, a wonderful dash of humor that is mixed in with a sprinkle of romance, and heaps of actions. Cooked at a perfect temperature, Chosen makes for a wonderful series for any fantasy lover Naturally, I've already moved on to the sequel and let's just say it's shaping up to be just as great as book one. I recommend Chosen to anyone and everyone who loves visiting new worlds where the heroine knows her worth and the male knows it too.
Friday, May 1, 2015
Authors I Love To Stalk: Amelia Hutchins
Welcome to my first installment of Authors I Love to Stalk. These posts will consist only of authors I majorly HEART and my reasons why. When I find an author I adore and worship, I fall hard. My husband often threatens to divorce me because I then refer to nothing but that author and their wonderful, beautiful worlds. It makes things awkward at my home to say the least.
So anyway, let us begin with segment one of Authors I Love to Stalk.
Currently, I'm on a hit of four authors I adore but for now I'm going to share the newest author that made it on my Stalking Radar. Amelia Hutchins.
When I came across this wonderful, talented author's work it was by accident. Amazon in it's wonderful wisdom had one of her books listed on possible matches. For the most part, I ignore Amazon's Matchmaking scheme but for some reason the cover art caught me. In a daze I clicked the image, read the blurb, and discovered that Amelia Hutchin's Fae Chronicles Book 1 was Free. So, i scratch my chin and though sure, why not? Seconds later this book was on my kindle and I was reading.
ting Destiny Book 1 - The Fae Chronicles

So anyway, let us begin with segment one of Authors I Love to Stalk.
Currently, I'm on a hit of four authors I adore but for now I'm going to share the newest author that made it on my Stalking Radar. Amelia Hutchins.
When I came across this wonderful, talented author's work it was by accident. Amazon in it's wonderful wisdom had one of her books listed on possible matches. For the most part, I ignore Amazon's Matchmaking scheme but for some reason the cover art caught me. In a daze I clicked the image, read the blurb, and discovered that Amelia Hutchin's Fae Chronicles Book 1 was Free. So, i scratch my chin and though sure, why not? Seconds later this book was on my kindle and I was reading.
ting Destiny Book 1 - The Fae Chronicles
Have you ever heard of the old Celtic legends of the Fae - beautiful, magical, deadly and a love of messing with humans just for kicks and giggles?
Welcome to my world.
What started out as a strange assignment, leads to one of the most gruesome murder mysteries of our times and my friends and I are set and determined to find out who is killing off Fae and Witches alike.
Couple of problems in the way – I hate the Fae and the Prince of the Dark Fae is bound and determined that I work for him.
He’s a rude, overbearing egotistical ass with a compulsive need to possess, dominate and control me.
Oh – did I mention that he is absolutely sex-on-a-stick gorgeous and he makes me feel things that I never ever wanted to feel for a Fae…every time he touches me or looks at me with those golden eyes seems to pull me further in under his spell, despite my better judgment.
My friends and I can’t trust anyone and nothing is as it seems on the surface – not even me.
Welcome to my world.
What started out as a strange assignment, leads to one of the most gruesome murder mysteries of our times and my friends and I are set and determined to find out who is killing off Fae and Witches alike.
Couple of problems in the way – I hate the Fae and the Prince of the Dark Fae is bound and determined that I work for him.
He’s a rude, overbearing egotistical ass with a compulsive need to possess, dominate and control me.
Oh – did I mention that he is absolutely sex-on-a-stick gorgeous and he makes me feel things that I never ever wanted to feel for a Fae…every time he touches me or looks at me with those golden eyes seems to pull me further in under his spell, despite my better judgment.
My friends and I can’t trust anyone and nothing is as it seems on the surface – not even me.
Let me just state, WOW. Normally, I don't fall in love with new series. I horde my adoration and awe unless another author recommends. In this case, I was glad to go out on a limb. With my adventurous decision, I found a new fav. author. YAY! Needless to say, I finished this series current available books in three days. Yes, three. Then I started in on her Guardian Series, which was not quiet as good as her Fae world but not far behind.
So let me lists the reasons I started staking Amelia Hutchins (and by stalk I mean, foam at the mouth while searching the web for anything new or some information of anything about to be new).
1. Her book worlds are the shit. Beautifully descriptive, easily believable. I can picture myself in the settings Amelia describes.
2. I like her characters. All of them. Somehow, Amelia Hutchins' makes me invest emotionally with her fictional peeps. None of them are two dimensional, each having for reals hopes, dreams, passions, plans, life long goals, hates, personality issues. Their realness makes me think that perhaps Amelia has a psychology degree somewhere in her belt. Or they are all based off of real live people.
3. She has lots of sass. Amelia writes with a humor that makes me laugh out loud. That's kind of awkward when my hubby is sleeping next to me and I wake him up with cackling. Another reason for a possible divorce.
4. My penis is bigger than yours. What does that mean, huh? Well, I'm the type of gal who loves certain aspects in her books. A domineering man (Check), sassy female (Check), intricate storyline (Check), and every time the protagonist head off on some enemy showdown there is a fantastical show of whose penis is bigger, or rather whose the biggest baddest person in the room. I love that Amelia's characters always are, even when it looks like they aren't. I also enjoy how it's always done with sass. Like a snap in the face, followed by big letters that ran down around you and read, BOOM!
5. Her men are domineering and sexy. I know I mentioned this in number four briefly but do I need to explain further? I really love a man, who is just that A MAN.
6. Her Story lines are intricate but well thought out. They make sense people. When she adds a plot changer, she does it smoothly. As if she was some great mastermind, everything flows and adds up. She leaves no unanswered questions.
7. She builds relationships really well. Read her work and you'll see what I mean. She does have a lot of naughty grown up scenes. ALOT of them that sometimes I just skip, because I'm all about the romance not the loving, but let me assure you it takes nothing away from her books themselves.
So there you go, Seven reason why I Love to Stalk Amelia Hutchins and her books. I suggest you go out and try her first book, Fighting Destiny and give her a try. You might just luck out and find a new fav. author like I did.
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